Originally conceived by Rocky Vertone and Todd Gillman...An Exploration In Creative Collaboration. The second installment of a multi-talented group of artists converged on Full Circle Frameworks, a small picture frame shop in Jackson Hole and once again blew the doors off of the normal Jackson gallery scene. Cheese and wine...no way! Fueled by Vodka and Red Bull with beef and chicken sate skewers the public was in for a night of artful bliss.
Rich Goodwin, Ryan Haworth, Heather Hannan, Brian James, Ben Pierson, Megan Schwartz, and Anika Youcha were the featured artists for the evening. They each worked on a portion of a "canvas" cut from a piece of masonite. Each of the artist's took photos around town, then took the best of photos and created a photo collage which was then loosely traced on 7 20" X 60" panels. They had about six hours to complete their panels amidst the 300 people people who attended. Even beyond all of the artistic madness, we had Thai Lee from Susie M's Tattoo in Salt Lake slap some ink into Jackson's own tattoo cladded Dustin Varga! The pieces were finally finished, then the panels were screwed together to form a 7 sided rotating cylinder standing about 4 feet wide by six feet tall. 7 different styles and personalities captured into one piece.
The piece is up for sale and part of the proceeds will go to a couple of non-profits in Jackson Hole. For more information on the piece or how to get in touch with the artists, call Rocky @ 307-733-0770 or come by the shop. We'll see you at the next event!!!